Sunday, June 8, 2008

Amazing feathers

I was looking out the window and a bird was in the tree that I don't remember seeing before. I was so fascinated by it. I looked it up and found that he was called a western tanager. Since I saw this one there have been several more. They love this apple tree and the plum tree out front. The colors are so bright and very eye catching.

This one is a little hard to see, but I was amazed at how much red was on his head. I don't get a lot done with these little birds around because I spend to much time watching and snapping photos.

At first I thought this again was a new bird, but come to find out it is the female western tanager. She looks a little smaller than she really is because her tail is hidden in the leaves of the tree.

I really liked the way this tanager picture came out. He looks a little wild because the wind was really blowing and it was pretty chilly that day, so he is all fluffed out trying to stay warm.


Mindy K said...

I too like the ruffled bird