Friday, May 16, 2008

Happenings in the yard

I went out to look at my flowers in the yard and thought they were so pretty. So here are some of the prints I shot. This one and the one that is purple and dark pink I don't know what their names are, but they are unique and are fun.

This is some of my blossoms on my Princess Diana Service Berry bushes. Every year it is a contest to see who gets the berries, me or the birds. But that is okay I would be sick if I ate them all.

My tulips have been very pretty this spring so I went out and had some fun trying to get some creative shots of them. These are two I really liked.

I was so excited when I just happened to look out the window when I was in the office scrapbooking and saw this canary. He was so bright. I don't know why but I have always loved birds. It is so fun to be able to get pictures of them. Before I got my digital camera I could never tell if I actually got a good picture or not. Now I can take a hundred at a time and usually get some good pictures.

I was starting to leave to do my cub scout meeting when this little canary was flying in the apple tree and the pussy willow bush. I just had to take the time to see if I could get some got shots of it. I didn't have time to stop and review what I took because I was going to be late. So when I got home I hurried and downloaded my card and these are a few of what I got. I was so happy.

To some this picture might not be as exciting as it was to me. As I was zooming in to see the little bird to my surprise he had caught one of those large Nat flies that the kids hated because they thought it was a giant mosquito. As I looked close I had a whole series of him as he ate it. So if you look close you can see it in this picture.

This picture was a real surprise. I actually got him as he was flying. At first I was going to delete it, but then as I looked at it I really started to like it. Don't know why, just do.

As I was taking my bird pictures all of the sudden they were gone. I thought that was strange. Why would of they just scatter so fast? I looked around the camera and this is what I saw. I guess if I was a bird I would leave quickly also.
These are my neighbors cats. They seem to really like my garden in the front.

This is Lucky.

And this is Tiger.

When I was gone one day Curt decided to try his hand at taking pictures. This Chickadee was out in the front tree. I haven't seen a Chickadee for quit a while. So I was excited to see his pictures.


Mindy K said...

YOU get the most impressive pictures. I'm going to start coming to your blog instead of wishing I could escape to a spa :)

Gui said...

have you considered selling your pics online? there are a number of different sites. or even just posting them on a site that lets users access them for free...